Friday, November 24, 2006

Bond grows up

Yesterday I went to the Govt college of architecture, sec 11 chandigarh along with my good friend and great photographer Sanjay kaushal . The purpose was to give a lecture on architectural photography. We were met by Bheem Malhotra.He works at the college and I am a great admirer of his watercolors. Sanjay put up a slide show of his landscapes that he has taken over the years, mostly in Ladakh and the tribal areas of Himachal Pradesh. Behind us, in the audience were a lot of pretty girls who went OOOOH and AAAAAh, all in unison. Inititally a source of great discomfort, I was relieved (somewhat anyway) when I found that those exclamations and ejaculations were closely temporally correlated to some good picture coming up on the wall. I took some pictures before the battery of the phone gave out.

The city of Chandigarh

I like the pattern of the shadows as Bheem Malhotra walks towards us.

A student sitting in the wierdly shaped lecture theatre finishes up on his work before the show starts.

Just came back after watching Casino Royale, the most Un-Bondly Bond movie ever. Quite akin to the Bourne series or even MI-1 in treatment. Bond is cold, kills without problems, is utterly cynical and untrusting, drops his armour to fall in love (yes, love and Bond!!), and gets double crossed only to learn that he has to get by not trusting anyone ever.
Bond is blonde, blue-eyed and very muscular unlike the earlier Bonds. But all said and done, its a fun movie and requires cerebral work to follow, maybe too many twists in the tale, but ultimately, I thought satisfying. The fun, innocence and the cherubic, comic book charm of the earlier movies is probably gone for good. And its almost 3 hours long, so better have something to eat or keep something in the fridge. Otherwise, like me it will be one long haul to the dhabas in sector 11 that wont serve after 11pm.

Mix veg was good.

Black dog is better !!!!!! :))

1 comment:

Mother Jones RN said...

I wasn't going to the new Bond movie but, after reading your post, I think I will.


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