Thursday, January 11, 2007


Annual National Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society-2007, Chennai, India.

"Depression is an unpleasant state of mind, most people with depression are not happy".-Statement at the conference

I had the good fortune to be able to attend the ANCIPS-2007 at Chennai, South India. As I have never been south and I had to present a couple of papers, it promised to be good. I left with my friend Dr Sushant, who as is his wont, was weighed down with loads of luggage. After an uneventful and pleasant train journey, reached the New Delhi airport, caught the flight to Chennai. And walked into 30 degrees celsius of heat from the cold of Delhi, wearing a heavy jacket, a warm shirt and a muffler. And feeling about as unlikely as a polar bear in the sahara desert.

Dr Padhy and his bags

Tea Break In The Train

Kamraj Airport, Chennai

1 comment:

illusions said...

"Depression is an unpleasant state of mind, most people with depression are not happy"

I feel apathetic, irritable, pessimistic,hopeless, negative, guilty, anxious, empty and deep-sadness ................

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